Zapooca allows tarot readings to be laid out on a web browser for online consumption.
Aquarian Web Studio is excited to introduce Zapooca. Zapooca is the first widely-available app for Tarot readers to post their readings online. It is not a reading generator, but a toolset to allow a tarot reading to be posted online in its own authentic form. Rather than relying on personal notes and cellphone pictures to remember and resonate with highly-valuable professional tarot readings, clients now have a web page where they can continue to consume the reading long after their live connection to the reader has ended. Readers have the chance to provide readings online, in real-time with or without a live voice channel, privately and with notes.
Building Zapooca as a property satisfies a long list of objectives that have been cropping up at Aquarian Web Studio:
- We have been looking for a challenging, creative project on which to learn new skills and prove our abilities to the world - but nothing like this came around through a client.
- We have been examining multiple avenues for alternate revenue streams, but especially those where we don’t need to learn anything new from the ground, up.
- We wanted the chance to take on a mission project - that is, identifying and fixing a problem or a hole in the market, because we can and because they deserve it.
- Deep down, we really want the chance to travel (!!!!) for business (!!!!) anywhere we darn well please.
- We are interested in shaping our future more intentionally and with more internal energy than would be possible while focusing 100% on client work.
Zapooca is going to kick things off as a free app. It’ll stay free to sign up and use, forever. The free version of Zapooca will provide a 10-card Celtic Cross option and a 5-card row spread option for private sharing with one client, which will stay available for 30 days. The deck available is going to be the Rider-Waite-Smith (classic) tarot deck. Readers will be invited to sign up for access to this as soon as we feel the app is ready. If you are a tarot card reader and would like early, beta access, you are invited to try out the demo and add yourself to the beta list on Zapooca.com.
Tier 1 or the Magician Tier will be kicked off at $19/mo. The subscription will allow for freeform spreads with one deck, which the reader may choose among a growing number of beautiful, independently published tarot decks. Readers will have the option of laying out the cards however they like, adding notes on a per-card basis (as well as general notes,) and also publishing to a public web page in addition to the option to publish privately to a client, who will have free access.
Tier 2 or the High Priestess Tier, at $49/mo is the tallest tier we have planned so far. This subscription will bring in additional decks published by publishers and larger freeform spreads - allowing multiple decks, multiple reading panels, and the ability to embed readings anywhere, like their own blog or website, and absolutely no limits on reading count or size. We have plans to integrate this tier with Zoom and other apps as well. Moving past the initial plan for this tier, we are considering functionality like booking through Zapooca and client management.
Beyond the tiers of access, which will be developed first, we are looking at plans to create a marketplace around tarot that is lively, fun and active. This might include, at any point, Tarot reader profiles, home page Tarot reader promotion, video content, statistical analysis of popular cards, even creating a retail store of our favorite decks. We have the chance to provide incredible value to a community of experts that has been left out of tech almost unilaterally. Part of why these plans are not getting the spotlight is because we expect them to change. We expect feedback and ideas that will inspire us and inform this process. With this effort, we are creating a unique, needed thing - and that will not be squandered.
As you may be aware, development has already begun. Our working tarot spread demo proves the concept of the interface - we will allow this to speak for us while we work on the systems that will save the readings, authenticate users, and allow people to work together.
Of course, with any new app or service, there are security and privacy concerns. We are using the securest platform to guard this information that we know of. Additionally, we are designing Zapooca data models in disconnected pieces to promote app speed and disparate structure, so that if there is a breach, the data will come at them like a game of 10-million Pick up. On top of this, we will strictly adhere to a no-harassment policy. Zapooca is a place for professional tarot readers and their clients; anyone using the app beyond these purposes may be subject to removal.
We are excited for the developments we expect this to bring in for Aquarian Web Studio. We are looking forward to all of it. So far, we are presently surprised at how quickly it appears to be going. Currently we are looking for indie deck creators to help us furnish their beautiful artwork on Tier 1. If you are a deck creator and are interested in Zapooca’s potential role in your deck’s distribution, get in touch today.
If you are interested in using Zapooca as part of your spiritual business, the best thing to do is to sign up for the beta tester list on Zapooca.com. Announcements are broadcast on social networks on Aquarian accounts, but these folks get them directly to their inbox. Being a beta tester will allow for limited-time tier 1 access for free as well as other perks. We can’t wait to see you there!